At first glance, The Cross of Jesus stands as a picture of powerlessness. The man who hangs on the cross is dying in shame, condemned by the authorities that exact maximum punishment for crimes against the state. But this is the same man who has fed the hungry, healed the sick and yes, even raised the dead. How could it have all gone so wrong?

Yet take another, longer look at Jesus on the Cross and you will also see a very powerful victory. Jesus was innocent of the crimes he was executed for. In fact, he was innocent full stop. Being nailed to a cross outside Jerusalem was not a mistake … it was the plan. God’s plan to pay the price and make a way for you and me to have a personal relationship with God. Forever.

And so, we see the power in the seemingly powerless circumstances of a truly innocent man

— innocent of everything — being executed on my behalf and your behalf.

God has done the work. He has made the way. The gift of eternal relationship with God is being offered with out-stretched arms. The choice is yours.

You do not have to earn it … it is not for sale. You do not have to get prepared … he wants to meet you just as you are. There is nothing between you and God except your willingness to accept His gift.

But all this could not have happened if Jesus — the truly innocent man — did not die on a cross and then rise to life again three days later.

That is why we celebrate Easter.

Reverend Mark Wilson

National Ministries Director Australian Baptist Ministries