Australian society is facing rapid change and in the midst of this change is the issue of religious freedom. ABM is calling on all our Baptist family to be in prayer for God honouring outcomes from the Religious Freedoms review.

The Prime Minister announced the Terms of Reference for the Review on 14 December 2017. In undertaking its Review, the Prime Minister instructed the Panel to:

  • consider the intersections between the enjoyment of the freedom of religion and other human rights and whether the Australian law (Commonwealth, State and Territory) adequately protects the human right of religion.
  • have regard to any previous or ongoing reviews or inquiries that it considers relevant
  • consult as widely as it considers necessary

In essence the Panel is to examine and report on whether Australian law (Commonwealth, State and Territory) adequately protects the human right to freedom of religion.

The Expert Panel comprises:

  • the Hon Philip Ruddock (chair)
  • Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM
  • the Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC
  • Father Frank Brennan SJ AO
  • Professor Nicholas Aroney

The Prime Minister has asked the Expert Panel to report its findings by 31 March 2018.

Australian Baptist Ministries combined with other denominations through Freedom for Faith to lodge a submission. Over 16,000 submissions were made to the Panel.

The Panel will report to the Prime Minster, with the report going to the Cabinet and presumably to the joint Liberal and National Party rooms for discussion.

Please pray for the Panel in their deliberations and their recommendations to the Federal Government.