National Church Life Survey has release a series of short videos and a wellbeing check for church leaders.

At the time of publishing, some social distancing measures are easing and Australian churches are beginning to gather again in smaller numbers. Churches are still connecting with their local communities in different ways, including online, and may continue to adjust their activities for some time, in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic restrictions.
In this light, NCLS offer five clues that Australians provide on being invited to church activities, from our latest Australian Community Survey results. We present them as a series of short videos for you to watch.
How open are Australians to an invitation to church? Would type of church activity would they most likely attend?
Key findings reveal the importance of personal relationship with someone who goes to church, as well as prior connections with church, in increasing a person’s openness to attend a church activity. Meals and music are the two most popular activities that Australians would consider attending at church.
NCLS also are pleased to launch a wellbeing check for church leaders, enabling a group of leaders to assess their levels of stress, effectiveness and sustainability, using proven indicators of personal wellbeing.

Click here to read more and access the resources